
Use the force!!!

So, I got off work early today as previously mentioned - which was nice. The other Home Office manager never got back to me about making up the time that I left early on Tuesday - so I guess I'm not doing it today. I'm hoping for tomorrow.

A couple of weeks ago, I lost my license. I finally got my replacement in the mail today. It's about time! I bet my friends'll be happy that they don't have to buy me cigarettes anymore :)

My doctors appointment went well - he took me off of daily Prozac, and put me on weekly Prozac at my request. I just can't remember to take a pill every day. I've never had to take pills before. I figure I'll just set up a reminder to buzz me on Fridays during my lunch break to take my pill. I've never been as perfectly okay as I have been with Prozac. It's weird to not feel depressed every single day.

On that note, I've dropped 14 lbs since I saw my doctor last in April. Hurray. Go me. I'm prolly awesome. Well...I dunno for sure if it's 14 lbs, cos I think their scale is off. Every time I go to the doctor, I weigh myself before I go so that I'm not shocked and apalled at the number that comes up on the scale thinggie. Theirs was off by a few pounds from mine, but no big deal. The best part about it all is that even if it is off by a few pounds - I STILL LOST WEIGHT! *throws confetti*

I got to a part on Lego Star Wars and got stuck. I couldn't figure out what to do. I know that I needed C3PO to unlock the door, but I couldn't figure out for the life of me what to do. I went to IGN and looked up a walkthrough to tell me how to do it. Even that didn't make sense to me...it kept saying "Force 3PO onto the platform in the middle." And I'm thinking to myself 'How the hell do I FORCE him to do something?' and then...like a retard, I hung my head in shame. What they meant was USE THE FORCE to move the platform over to 3p0 so that you both could get on, and then USE THE FORCE to move the platform over to the door. Gee, wouldn't it have been easier to just say that?

Oh yeah, and I also got a new Controller. It's pretty pimp...it lights up blue and is clear. Not too shabby for $14 from Wal-Mart. Mace Windu is calling me to come back and be the BAMF that he is, and kick some ass. Let the ass kicking resume...

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